venerdì 27 maggio 2011

I feel like whatever i do is not enough.

I'm  not enough I don't care what they say. I tried to be the prettiest, the smartest, I tried to be strong, I tried to be everything you've  wanted But every time i remain alone with my mind,    every time I look in the mirror, I wanna scream  'you're not enough, you never was and you're never be ' . I feel like whatever I do, someone can do better.

 Sometimes i just want to write on my body.

you're not enough, you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough

you're not enough, you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough

you're not enough, you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough

you're not enough, you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough

you're not enough, you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough
you're not enough,you're not enough
you're not enough

But that will not change anything, i will still be not enough.

Dear you..

Don't ever hate yourself. You make me laugh when I feel like crying. Just texting you or talking to you on the phone transforms my crappy day into a blessed one. Laughing with you makes me feel happy and it makes me forget everything that's going on. I love you and I will always be here for you. I can't make the pain stop but I will always hold you in my arms when it hurts the most. I can't make your life suddenly perfect, but I can always listen to you and pray with you. I am a better person because of you. Through everything that's going on in my life, through everything that's going on in yours, we have become better friends and better people. I will never forget the blessing you have been to me. I have had many friends but you are so much more than a friend. Don't ever stop laughing like this. You are so beautiful the way God made you.

Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

giovedì 26 maggio 2011

Message to mom.

I'm going to tell you all the things in my life that have never left my thoughts. When I was thirteen years old I begin to realize that I wasn't like all my friends, they were all into guys and I wasn't. Thirteen was the very age that I began to find my true self. Thirteen was the age when you told me that the worse thing that could happen to one of your children was if they turned out to be gay. Thirteen was the age when I could no longer say I love you.  I'm lesbian. My first love was a girl and i'm still in love with that girl, do you remember Anna,that girl who liked you so much? So it hurts me to hear that you would rather me be a murderer than be what I truly am.

So be sad all you like,i hope you'll understand that no man will ever make me feel the way that my girfriend does. The love i feel for her is just as real as love a man may feel for a women. Welcome to reality.

Hurt .

- You know what hurt the most?

Not things like scratches, bruises hurt the most.

Inner pain, pain from the heart, the pain of soul.That's hurt the most.

mercoledì 25 maggio 2011

Little Corinne.

I'm a player and I know it but with you girl I never ever show it i've got to got to put my move on get my groove on I get down with my shoes on I'm just a freak everyday of the week i need to find a new girl to come play with me 'Here kitty kitty we can get busy you're so young and oh so pretty'

Watch out ladies I'm a sex fiend
Since I was sixteen I make the chicks scream 

lunedì 2 maggio 2011

O fata speciala ♥

- Esti cel mai frumos lucru care mi sa intamplat, ai fost ploaia din desertul meu, tu care ai pus stelele in cerul meu care esti fiecare culoare a curcubeului, care mi-ai aratat ca pot iubi neconditionat, care mi-ai dat viata peste cap in cel mai placut mod posibil. Urasc ca vreau sa vad si nu pot, urasc ca nu poti fi a mea asa cum erai candva, ti-am mai spus iubita 2000 de km nu pot sa ne desparta, orice ar fi tu vei ramane cea mai frumoasa femeie ce a existat in viata mea. Stiu ca multe s-au schimbat, stiu ca ai uitat si ca probabil m-am schimbat si eu, ca nu mai sunt acceasi dar te asigur ca sentimentele mele sincere fata de tine nu s-au schimbat si jur ca nu o sa se schimbe indiferent de cat de departe esti. Nu ma pricep la cuvinte, sti prea bine, dar simt nevoia sa iti spun ca esti singura care vreodata ma facut sa simt ceva, care ma facut sa tip de fericire,sa zambesc ca un copil cretin la un mesaj, sa mi se opreasca inima in loc, iubito ai aprins ceva in inima mea ceva care arde ca o torta..Stiu ca poate nu am fost exact asa cum ti-ai fi dorit, sti ca nu sunt genul sa spun  " te iubesc " si poate ca ti-ai fi dorit sa nu ma fi intalnit dar eu sper sa nu ma uiti niciodata, pentru ca vezi tu iubire eu nu o sa o fac, reprezinti lumea pentru mine. Jur credeam ca suntem infinite, ca nimeni si nimic nu va interveni intre noi, ca vom redefini 'forever', credeam ca suntem predestitate si cu fiecare atingere, jur simteam ca nu o sa se termine niciodata, imi spuneai 'love is all we need' si imi placea, tot ce se intampla intre noi eram ca un copil simtind pentru prima data iubire, stateam si te priveam si nu imi venea sa cred ca te iubesc, ca esti reala, ca pentru prima data in viata aveam un rost, nu mai eram doar eu. Eram noi adica eu si cu tine, erai tu si simteam ca ai nevoie de mine, simteam cum cu fiecare minut visele mele de a-mi gasi fata visurilor se implinesc. Imi amintesc ziua accea pe planja, tu la pieptul meu, simteam cum respiri cum rezisti, te simteam ca esti a mea, ma simteam invincibila, nu mai doream nimic, te aveam pe tine iar tu iubito esti tot. Imi amintesc fiecare detaliu legat de tine desi a trecut un an imi amintesc, zambetul tau superb ochi tai  mari si nevinovati, corpul tau micut,parul care pe tine te enerva pentru ca batea vantul, esti exact asa cum am visat mereu. Cata iubire si cata dorinta si toate pentru tine, pentru tine care mi-ai luminat viata, care esti vocea mea cand nu pot vorbi, ochi mei cand nu pot vedea. Sper ca vreodata vei intelege ca nici toate romanele despre iubire, dragoste, si dorinta de a iubi nu pot sa iti explice cat de mult te iubesc. Mi-as dori sa pot sa fiu cu tine din nou si stiu ca asta ar schimba viata mea lipsita de culoare fara tine. 

I love you & i need you

"M-ai facut sa devin eu, ceea ce n-au reusit multe
Si-as muta munti ca sa ma asculti spunandu-ti cateva cuvinte
As pune punti peste ocean si orice mi-as aduce aminte
As face orice compromis,..stiu de unde am plecat
Ti-as spune clar ca TE IUBESC"

Si cand vine vorba despre prietenie va am pe voi, voi care mi-ai fost aproapre indiferent de situatie ♥ 

- Tu care esti cea mai importanta ♥ 

- Tu care mi-ai intrat in suflet prin efractie.

- Tu care esti atat de speciala.

- Tu care ma faci sa zambesc in fiecare ziua.

- Tu care esti cea mai dulce cand zambesti.

- Eu care fara tine nu stiu ce m-as face fara tine

- Eu care sunt cea mai norocoasa din lume ca te-am gasit.

Si fara tine  viata me nu ar avea acceasi culoare, iti multumesc ca existi, ca esti cum esti, si ca imi arati mereu unde gresesc. O persoana ca tine merita tot ce e mai bun pe lume, impeuna trecem peste  tot, orice ar fi ne vom avea una pe alta si daca tu zambesti stiu ca tot va fi bine  

Scumpa mea, esti cea mai buna prietena pe care vreodata am avuto, daca nu ai fi tu ,cine si-ar face griji pentru mine cand lipsesci cu zilele de acasa, cine mai imi trimite versuri prin mesaje, cu cine as mai vorbi despre orice, pe ce umar as plange ? Nu concep o viata fara tine.